Pilih 11 Startup Terbaik, Program Akselerator GK-Plug and Play Batch 8 Siap Dimulai
GK-Plug and Play | 13 January 2021

Senin lalu, proses seleksi startup untuk masuk ke dalam program akselerator Batch 8 GK-Plug and Play telah sampai pada Kick Off Day atau hari orientasi. Dari 300 lebih pendaftar, terpilih 11 startup yang berhasil masuk untuk mengikuti program binaan selama 3 bulan.
“Kami ingin terus mengembangkan ekosistem startup di Indonesia, visi kami masih untuk mendedikasikan program ini untuk memajukan bangsa. Kami sangat antusias atas terpilihnya 11 startup untuk masuk ke dalam program di batch 8 ini.” Ungkap Aaron Nio, Director of GK-Plug and Play.
Rangkaian program binaan telah dirancang oleh GK-Plug and Play selama masa program, seperti: Mentor Matchmaking, membangun business model, pengembangan go-to-market strategy, berbagai workshop, dan memperbaiki kemampuan pitch para startup. Kick Off Day dengan agenda Orientation & Assessment I tersebut diselenggarakan secara virtual, berkaca dari program sebelumnya yang sukses dilaksanakan di tengah pandemi.
“Semua program akan kami jalankan secara virtual sama seperti program batch sebelumnya. Di masa pandemi, penting untuk melanjutkan inovasi yang kami percaya ada pada kesebelas startup yang potensial ini,” tambah Aaron.
Aaron juga mengungkapkan bahwa, momentum pandemi ini bukan batasan untuk para startup dalam berinovasi dan menjadi kreatif. Justru di masa krusial ini inovasi bisa hadir untuk menjadi solusi bagi masyarakat dan negara.
Adapun fokus bidang dari 11 startup yang masuk ke dalam program yakni: Insurtech, Fintech, Agri & Sustainability, Enterprise, Brand & Retail, F&B, Marketplace, dan yang tidak kalah unik Pet Tech.
Program Batch 8 GK-Plug and Play ini memegang kunci bagi startup di Indonesia untuk bisa memperluas jaringan mereka. Tidak hanya itu, dengan mengikuti program para startup berkesempatan untuk semakin memperkuat fondasi bisnis mereka.
Daftar Peserta Startup Batch 8:
SUGAR Technology
SUGAR Technology is an IOT & Consumer Electronics company that focuses on products that drive efficiency & convenience to the users with hopes that our products empower & enrich each of the users to do the things they need to do quickly.
Make it easy for your employees to withdraw their current month's salary at any time to increase cash flow and reduce stress
Rekosistem is an end to end zero waste management start-up that aims for a sustainable ecosystem. We improve the productivity of the waste value chain via tech-based solutions and renewable energy. There are two main products from Rekosistem.
Wesurance Limited
Wesurance provides advanced InsurTech solutions to revolutionize the way people search, buy, and sell insurance.
Belanjaparts is B2B E-commerce Platform that helps our customers (i.e Manufacturers / Corporations) to procure industrial supplies more efficiently from Retailers / Wholesalers / Principals with aid of technology.
Feedloop helps the company to digitally transform through marketing and business process automation.
Jagofon is Indonesia's first marketplace specialized in second-hand smartphones. Our mission is to rebuild trust in the second-hand smartphone market, with top quality yet affordable phones.
All your Pet Needs in your Pocket.
TUK is all about providing great e-commerce and delivery tools to local businesses at a much lower cost than other services.
Sgara or previously known as PasarUdang, is a startup focused on aquaculture specifically shrimps which help shrimp farmers increase farm efficiency through data.
Imajin is a manufacturing Hub to connecting B2B who want to do manufacturing in Indonesia, our market is a local market and also targeted global player who needs a manufacturer. Imajin now is an official partner of Kementerian Perindustrian to support local manufacturers / SMEs.